
3D - Cicely the Dragon

3D art, mixed media, mixed media art, Dragon art, Dragon, The Wonky Pixie
3D art, mixed media, mixed media art, Dragon art, Dragon, The Wonky Pixie
3D art, mixed media, mixed media art, Dragon art, Dragon, The Wonky Pixie
3D art, mixed media, mixed media art, Dragon art, Dragon, The Wonky Pixie

- 3D Mixed Media Art - 

Cicely the Dragon 

Created with collage and artificial flowers with hints of preserved flowers and real crystals in a frame that hangs flush against the wall (it has a hook hole in the back to hang on a hook, or you can display on an easel of your own) 

Unique, original works by Pixie - that's me! 

The Wonky Pixie reuses recyclable packaging where possible. Wrapped carefully in recycled boxes, tissue paper. In the instance of sending framed artworks, we will use recycled bubble wrap and/or cardboard for safe travels. I have yet to find a suitable alternative to bubble wrap for framed works.

  • Colours may differ slightly on various browsers, or there might be some imperfect perfections on some items. 
  • Taking care of your artwork: Keep away from direct sunlight, heat, and water.
  • Dried flowers are home harvested, sourced locally or within New Zealand  


The Wonky Pixie reuses recyclable packaging where possible. Wrapped carefully in recycled boxes, tissue paper. We do not use bubble wrap.